
-340Days -9Hours -4Minutes -44Seconds


Friday 17.11

10.00 – 14.00 Training time for the teams in the competition area.

10.00 – 12.00: Norway
10.00 – 12.00: Denmark
12.00 – 14.00: Finland
12.00 – 14.00: Sweden

10.00 – 13.00: The veterinary inspection.

10.00: Finland
10.45: Sweden
12.15: Norway
13.00: Denmark

14.00: White dog in the competition ring and judge meeting.

16.30: Opening Ceremony with welcome speeches:
March order: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland.

17.00: Draw of the running order for the team competition for each round and the running order for the individual rounds both first and second.

17:30: Draw of the first and second course

19.00: Teams, judges & secretaries meet up for dinner. 

Saturday 18.11

08.00: Competition venue opens.

08.30: Latest arrival for team leaders, judges & secretaries.

08.30: Building the course for the first individual round and judges and secretaries meeting.

08.45: Publishing the first course

09.15: Latest arrival for competitors.

10.00: Course orientation of first individual round.

15 minutes briefing with the judge.
Course orientation for handlers no. 1-10: 10 minutes.
Course orientation for handlers no. 11-20: 10 minutes.
White dog starts right after the second briefing round.

10.45: Start of first round.
Lunch break after the first round (estimated time 13.00).
Judges meeting after the first round.

14.30: Second course posted on the wall. Building the course for the second round.

15.30: Course orientation of second individual round.

15 minutes briefing with the judge.
Course orientation for handlers no. 1-10: 10 minutes.
Course orientation for handlers no. 11-20: 10 minutes.
White dog starts right after the second briefing round.

16.15: Start of second round

19.00: Award Ceremony for the team competition.

Judges meeting after the Award Ceremony.

Sunday 19.11

08.00: Competition venue opens.

08.30: Latest arrival for competitors, team leaders, judges & secretaries.

08.45: Briefing judges, secretaries, team leads.

Draw of the course for the final round.
Draw for final individual round.

09.00: Final course posted on the wall.

09.00: Building the course for the final individual round and judges and secretaries meeting.

10.30: Course orientation of the final individual round.

15 minutes briefing with the judge.
Course orientation for handlers no. 1-10: 10 minutes.
Course orientation for handlers no. 11-20: 10 minutes.
White dog starts right after the second briefing round.

11.15: Start of final round.
Lunch break after the final round (estimated time 14.00) and preparations for the award ceremony.

15.30: Award ceremony.
Judges meeting after the Award Ceremony.