Team Finland

Eija & Ossi

Eija Heinonen ja Kutinan Xuurvili “Ossi”

We won Finland’s four-part qualifying competition and got to accept a team place. I have been practicing rally obedience since 2014. Last year we participated as a reserve dog and finished third in the race.

Pernilla & Sally

Pernilla Tallberg ja Flying Orange de Haute Volee “Sally”

I have started to do Rally-Obedience in 2015. Sally has been competing in a lot of different disciplines but now as a veteran Rally is our only hobby. This was the first time we applied for a team place and we are really happy to be in the team.

Jenni & Riemu

Jenni Susi ja Popotin Caviar “Riemu”

I am teaming up with my 10,5 yr old Australian shepherd Riemu. Riemu is very versatile in canine sports – he has competed in 7 different sports and holds 4 champion titles. We have been competing in Finnish rally obedience since 2016. This was our first time to participate national team qualifications and we are of course very honored to have the opportunity to represent Finland in Nordic Championships here in Norway!

Anna & Venla

Anna Savolainen ja Myytin Elämän Tarkoitus “Venla”

My dog and my best friend is 6 years old border collie girl Venla. Venla is my fourth rally obedience dog. Venla is Finnish, Swedish and Danish rally champion and that way also Nordic rally champion. Venla won a silver medal at the Finnish rally obedience Championships this year. Venla’s pedigree name is Finnish and means “the meaning of life” and of course the meaning of life is love.

Saara & Ava

Saara Huhtinen ja Talvitassun Bikku Balleriina “Ava”

Ava represents the young members of our team. She is Finnish and Swedish rally champion and first time in our national team. She is my second rally obedience dog and she got me really fell in love in this hobby. I hope we can keep doing this more years to come.

Mikaela & Cody

I have competed in Rally obedience since 2013. I started out with a phaléne and a miniature dachshund.
Today I have 5 dogs, papillon, 2 phalenes, Belgian malinois and a bordercollie.
I have also competed in heelwork to music, obedience and agility.
Codys career started in 2015 in rally obedience, he has also competed in obedience and is currently competing in the
highest level in agility.
Cody is my own breeding, the target was to get pups that had high drive and was easily motivated. I think it worked out
pretty well.
The goal is to compete a few more years with him, as long as he thinks it’s fun and he has the energy to do it.

Taru – Team leader

Team leader Taru Leskinen

I had the honor of being the leader of the Finnish team this year. I have been practicing rally obedience since 2013 with the cocker spaniel Lilli. In previous years, I have worked as a secretary, judge and organizer in the Nordic championships.